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High Purposes, True to Principles

High Purposes, True to Principles

祝贺你 to the 118 students who were inducted into the Marist Chapter of the National Honor Society 2024年4月9日.

We are proud of you for establishing and maintaining the highest standards inside and outside the classroom!

Photo Album: National Honor Society Induction

Tuesday, 4月il 9, 2024 - Memorial Gymnasium

Click here to view and download photos on SmugMug.


National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

Opening Prayer: NHS Vice Presidents

  • Tiger Nguyen '24
  • Anna Perrin, 24岁

Opening Remarks: NHS Moderators

  • 夫人. Kathleen Smith, Mathematics Department
  • 夫人. Laura O'Connor, World Language Department

Candle Lighting: NHS 2023- 2024 Officers

  • 领导: Navin Ramesh '24, President
  • 奖学金:
    • Tiger Nguyen '24, Vice President
    • Anna Perrin, 24岁 Vice President
  • 字符: Aidan Herries '24, Secretary
  • 服务: Breanna Rosario '24, Treasurer

Installation of Officers for 2024- 2025

  • President: Noel Wilson '25
  • Vice President: Brady Barry '25
  • Secretary: Bianca Jerez '25
  • 财务主管:
    • Kaya Asmar '25
    • Juliet Clark '25


I pledge to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands;
And will maintain and encourage High Standards of scholarship, service, 领导 and 字符.

Induction of New Members

Inductee list included below.

NHS President’s Address: Navin Ramesh '24


In the midst of 劳伦斯 city
stands the school we love.
Emblem of pure of faith and duty
blessed by God above.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises bless.
Hail to thee our Alma Mater,

学生 lined up

祝贺你 to all inductees for the 2023-2024 Academic Year!

Class of 2024: Seniors

  • 马修Kriner
  • Alessandro Vicari
  • 优雅的狼

Class of 2025: Juniors

  • 塞布丽娜DeVelis
  • Ayden哈里斯
  • 莱拉默兹
  • Melina Panagiotakopoulos
  • 莱利雷诺
  • 约翰·瑞恩
  • 索菲娅Tressler
  • Emmanuel Valentin

Class of 2026: Sophomores

  • 佐伊Abysalh
  • Alexandra Armano
  • 瑞秋Asasira
  • 艾娃·巴克
  • 摩根贝特曼
  • Courtney Beaudoin
  • 托马斯伯尼尔
  • 迪伦布朗
  • Paige Calderwood
  • Elyana卡纳斯
  • 雅各比卡西欧
  • 布鲁克Chaput
  • Caden追逐
  • Juliana Chatman Cruz
  • 伊莎贝拉查韦斯
  • 菲利普庄
  • 莱拉克里斯蒂
  • 布鲁克科迪
  • 亚历克西斯库克
  • 梅森克劳利
  • Michelle Cuevas-Tineo
  • 埃文·D 'Agata
  • 卢卡·D 'Agata
  • 伊娃·戴维斯
  • Selah De La Cruz
  • Sophia DeFillippo
  • Gianna DeMedeiros
  • Mackenzie DeStefano
  • Keiry Diplan
  • 尼古拉斯这几年会
  • 布伦丹Fague
  • 艾玛·芬奇
  • 海登芬恩
  • Kayleigh Furbush
  • Alyssa Furtado
  • 詹妮弗·布莱恩
  • 安吉丽娜加西亚
  • 塞西莉亚吉尔伯特
  • Nicole Gonzalez-Tellez
  • Lanna Govoni
  • 约翰·格林
  • Gabriella Gregorio
  • 玛迪Gryglik
  • 马里奥•古斯曼
  • 索菲娅Hanig
  • Hannah Harrington
  • 布鲁克·希利斯
  • 布伦南霍尔特
  • Zinnia Hopkinson
  • 塞拉哈德逊
  • 艾迪生休斯
  • 梅根·亨特
  • 肖恩·亨特
  • 丽贝卡·哈斯
  • 伊丽莎白伊萨克
  • 马丽桥Jabbour
  • Zachary Jacobson
  • 肖恩·金
  • 凯瑟琳Kriner
  • 信仰物等
  • Michael Angelo Lalo
  • 诺拉·拉森
  • 茱莉亚LaSpina
  • 约瑟夫Leal
  • 艾拉几何
  • Maxwell Lightfoot
  • Satvi马赫什
  • Cristine Maniatakos
  • 梅根·马雷斯卡
  • 米蕾Mataac
  • Cihara马修
  • 玛弗麦卡锡
  • 坎迪斯梅尔卡多
  • 玛德琳默兹
  • Camryn Misquita
  • 杰克Morowski
  • Maddox Moscardini
  • 玫瑰穆勒
  • 玛丽亚统治下
  • 格里芬墨菲
  • 迈克尔·纳贾尔
  • 科尔比奥斯托夫斯基
  • 镍钛帕特尔
  • 詹姆斯·佩尔蒂埃
  • Arihanna佩纳
  • 阿Pereyra
  • 伊娃·佩雷斯
  • 凯拉范教授
  • 阿米莉亚菲利普斯
  • 利亚姆·菲利普斯
  • Addyson普劳夫
  • 里德Prisby
  • Isabella Richard
  • Callie Robitaille
  • 布鲁克Shaheen
  • 茱莉亚Smida
  • Priscilla Srikanth
  • 维多利亚Stoehr
  • 艾娃Valcourt
  • 艾莉亚罗兹
  • 迈克尔·沃尔什
  • 兰登白色
  • 奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯
  • 布伦丹·沃兹尼亚克
  • 伊娃Zanni
  • 妮可•朱
  • 伊莱亚斯Zouein

About the National Honor Society

The purpose of the NHS is to give students with strong academics, 字符, 领导, and service a chance to help the school and the greater community. In February, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors with an AGPA of 4.0 or better are invited to apply for membership, which is decided based on the four qualities mentioned above.

祝贺你 to all inductees and members of the NHS for your achievements and for maintaining the highest standards of 奖学金, 服务, 领导, & 字符!

Student and parents
Student with family